Friday, August 6, 2010

What I'm All About

I really love to give people advice on music, cosmetics, fashion, and anything else they need help with. I tried to set up various websites, but I was not as consistent with them. I know, I know, i should delete them. Only I totally forgot what they're named. I'm more organized now and I can remember to do things, so this will be a good start for me. I started singing when I was about....born! I love music, it's my life. I tried piano when I was little, but it never stuck, but I still retain the knowledge I learned. I moved on to guitar about a year ago, but haven't been able to get classes for myself, so I don't know much yet but I'm trying. I perform in musicals and open mics, and at Christmas for my family. I love music and it will be in my life forever. When I got into the 7th grade, I discovered makeup.
I love to play around with different looks and skincare regimens. It's fun for me to try a new look. I also love my hair. If my hair is messed up I freak out because my hair says everything about me! I love trying new hair styles and figuring out what looks best on me. I loved makeup, and still do. I always cared what I looked like and what I wore, but I really began to LOVE shopping when I got into middle school. My favorite stores are Forever 21, Macy's, and Target. My style is really eclectic. I just wear whatever looks best and I personally think I can pull off a lot of styles.
I always answer questions on yahoo answers, and my friends always ask me questions about what to wear, or what colors look best, or what makeup they should wear, or how they should do their hair. And I honestly love to answer their questions!
So there it is. A little bit of background of what I'm all about and what I love to do.

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